If you are reading this page I assume you have looked through the whole site. I hope you have enjoyed your browsing.
I would like to thank all those who gave me encouragement to make these items and for standing by me when things have
been difficult. In particular I would like to thank Tanya who encouraged me to make the Chaplets, and praised me and my work
whenever she could, and Teddi who has worked to get people outside the internet interested in my work.
I would also like to dedicate this site to a very dear friend of mine who sadly passed away in 2002. Pam were ever you
are I still miss you hun.
There will be other items added as time goes on, such as Lace, as I am learning how to make Lace. Look out for it in
the future. I might even add a page of my Christmas light when they are up and switched on.
Please feel free to sign my guestbook and add your comments
Thank you all for looking at my site